I choose the tree test to better understand how the user navigates through my mobile apps. Since I have already created my menu category, I will test them with tree test. A tree test evaluates a hierarchical category structure, by having users find the locations in the tree where specific tasks can be completed. It requires only a tree, or hierarchical menu and task/instructions that tell the users what they should try to search for. It has a complete list of all the main content categories with their subcategories.

It provides a real-world experience on how the user will use the mobile app. It determines whether category names and structure of the information are accurate, understandable, easy find by the users, distinguishable among st them selves. Provides real user insights to help evaluate which part of the content hierarchy works well and parts that don’t, so I can make design decisions about how to organize and label my content.

It helps revising the menu each step of the way during the iterative process. It would give a suggestion how to start redesigning my menu, by discovering whether the finding difficulty is from the menu name or it’s location.  By conducting the changes during the iterative process, it will be costly effective and refine the menu location and name at an earlier stage. The results give me the categories that needs changing or left alone. Card sorting and Tree testing can complement each other. If necessary, I will start with tree test when redesigning to learn what’s difficult for users to find, and then use the card sort to get user centered solution.